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Letitia Penn Doll Club
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Membership Chairman
Letitia Penn Doll Club
Board of Directors
Margie Hottensen……............... President
Barb Mills………….…Recording Secretary
Roxanne LeMay Morison……............Corresponding Secretary
Lolly Yocum……………………….……….Treasurer
Joelle Taggert…………….………..Past President
Beverley Walker………………….……...Appointee
Carol Woodley ………………….……Appointee
Bev Spiece……………….…………..Appointee
Current Membership
Current membership
Includes members from
New Jersey
Associate Membership
Associate Membership is offered to those who because of health or distance are not able to attend meetings. Associate members do not qualify to hold office or to vote.
Letitia Penn
Letitia Penn was the daughter of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. Letitia arrived in Philadelphia in December 1699 with her father and mother. It is for her that the doll club is named.
The doll pictured on the cover of this brochure belonged to Letitia. You will note that the doll had only one arm, the other being missing. The doll is currently the property of the Atwater-Kent Museum in Philadelphia.
Doll Club
In December 1938, a group of ladies voted to become Unit No. 9 of a group of clubs that eventually became the United Federation of Doll Clubs. The original purpose was to do something for the less fortunate such as distributing dolls and toys.
The purpose of the club continues substantially unchanged. Our by-laws state “This Club is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes pertaining to doll collecting.”
Letitia Penn Doll Club is affiliated with the United Federation of Doll Clubs, an organization of doll collectors in the United States and in many countries around the world.
The federation is divided into 16 regions. We are part of Region 13. Our region consists of doll clubs in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Benefits of Membership
- Learning and sharing knowledge of dolls at club meetings.
- Creating friendships with others who share your interest in dolls.
- Participating in activities at the regional and national levels.
- Sharing information about dolls through programs and/or displays at doll club, or to other groups.
- Receiving DOLL NEWS, the official doll magazine of the United Federation of Doll Clubs.
- Seeing dolls from collections of other members.
Becoming A Member
- A member should love dolls
- Meetings are held at the William Penn Inn, on the second Tuesday of the month, except July, August and, in some years, December.
- An annual Christmas luncheon is held on the second Saturday of December. Members are encouraged to participate.
- There is an annual dues for membership, as well as a fee for the Christmas luncheon. The dues and the luncheon fee are determined by a vote of the membership.
- Members are expected to attend meetings on a regular basis, and to participate in activities to the extent possible.
- Members also have opportunities to participate in events of other clubs, regional conferences, and the annual UFDC convention.